Today is Sunday, the 7th of September, 2013.

Welcome back to AHSS for the 2013 to 2014 school year.

1.       Let’s get to know each other  (45 minutes)

a.       Play “Get to You” bingo.

                                                               i.      Get your bingo card

                                                             ii.      In your mind, take the answers and turn them into questions.

1.       Do you prefer (like) Pepsi over Coke?

2.       See the rest of the answers and turn them into questions.

                                                            iii.      Walk around the room asking the questions to other class members.

                                                           iv.      If you get a yes answer, write this person’s name in the correct answer box.

                                                             v.      Once you have found class members who have answered yes to a row or column of questions, YOU HAVE WON THE GAME OF BINGO, and you can come up to the teacher with your completed card  to get your prize.

                                                           vi.      Winners will be sharing their answers with the large group.

b.      Create a name plate that represents who you are.  Only use letters for your name.  The rest should be symbols.

c.       After your name plate is made, put it on your desk, and silently walk around the looking at other class members name plates. Complete the table worksheet with your observations.  Be ready to share your results with the class.

2.       Class room expectations and contract. (45 minutes)

                                                               i.      I will put you in small groups for the following tasks:

1.        assign a group leader and a group recorder

2.       brainstorm answers to the question:

                                                  What makes a successful student in English class?

3.       record your answers on a white board and be prepared to share your answers with the class.

                                                             ii.      Individually, decide on what type of student you want to be and write a contract with yourself, your parents and me by completing The Successful Student in English Contract.

3.       Reading Assessment (45 minutes)
4.     Tell me about yourself Activity:  Create A Paper Box
  • watch the YouTube video
  • Get  and follow the paper instructions
  • Write words and phrases about who you are on the inside of the box
  • Decorate the outside of the box with images and symbols to represent those words and phrases on the inside.


Final Week Work -

You still need to focus this week.  Get plenty of rest, exercise, and give yourself time to review your class work from the term. 

I have put some important final words onto for your assistance.  Know and use these words both in your reading and writing.

Practice your writing.  Remember the KISS philosophy: Keep It Simple, Silly
  • for simple sentence - subject and verb that is a thought or process:  The cat is fast.
  • for complex and compound words - two simple sentences joined with words like and, but, or, so, before, after, since.  The cat is fast, but the bird is faster. 
  • When writing your essay remeber to keep it organized and to the point of the prompt.
Practice your reading.  Look back on the terms reading assignments and review them. 

Best of luck, and remember luck is simply being prepared for your future.

Today is Monday, 03 June 2013.

I.  10th Grade: E-CART Presentations and Amimals you do not love report is due.
II.  11th Grade: E-CART Presentations and Memoir is due.

Today is Sunday, June 2 2013.

I.  10th Grade: E-CART Presentations
II. 11th Grade: E-CART Presentations

Today is Tuesday, 28 May 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 5: Animals Nobody Loves
  1. Check Homework: complete worksheet on Subject-Verb Agreement for 1 homework point.
  2. Watch an animal report video by Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter
  3. View a video by Steve Irwin, an animal lover, on snakes and why he likes animals that nobody loves.
  4. Work on your animal research report: Page 91 in text - animal poem.  Present an animal poem to the class on Wednesday when you turn in your animal report.
  5. Write a report on your animal. Due Wednesday, May 29th for 5 homework points
  6. Week 7 vocabulary: natural, instinct, environment, personality, consume, predator, appetite, crocodile. rescue, domestic, wild, traits, camouflage, techniques, penetrating
II. 11th Grade: Unit 3: Natural Disasters and Unit 6: I'll Never Forget

  1. Vocabulary page 99 in text: turning vowels into nouns.  Practice on page 62 in workbook.
  2. Practice more past perfect verb tense on pages 64 and 65 in workbook.
  3. Homework: complete worksheet on Subject-Verb Agreement for 1 homework point.
  4. Work on your Life on a timeline activity. Here is an example of my Lifeline, done several years ago.
  5. Based on one of the events on your "Lifeline" you will write a memoir. This is due by Wednesday, 29 May 2013, and will be worth 5 homework points. Make sure you show us and just tell us about your special memory. 
  6. Here are week 6 vocabulary words: severe, determined, prevail, balance, focus, rewarding, confidence, reassurance, obstacle, coincide. There will be a quiz on these words next week, Wednesday, 29 May 2013.

Today is Monday, 27 May 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 5: Animals Nobody Loves
  1. Check ECART progress and character analysis for 30 points.
  2. Check Homework: complete worksheet on Subject-Verb Agreement for 1 homework point.
  3. Work on your animal research report: See page 86 in your text book and page 59 in your workbook for research area ideas .
  4. Review pages 84 through 88 in your text for style and organization tips.
  5. Do page 57 in your workbook for practice.
  6. Write a report on your animal. Due Wednesday, May 29th for 5 homework points
  7. Week 7 vocabulary: natural, instinct, environment, personality, consume, predator, appetite, crocodile. rescue, domestic, wild, traits, camouflage, techniques, penetrating
II. 11th Grade: Unit 3: Natural Disasters and Unit 6: I'll Never Forget
  1. Check ECART progress and plans - character analysis evaluation - 30 points
  2. Grammar page 100 in text, and page 63, 64 and 65 in workbook.
  3. Homework: complete worksheet on Subject-Verb Agreement for 1 homework point.
  4. In your text on page 101 is the memoir by Ali Salim, A Lesson Learned. Read the memoir and discuss the effectiveness of Ali's style and organization in his writing.
  5. Work on your Life on a timeline activity. Here is an example of my Lifeline, done several years ago.
  6. Based on one of the events on your "Lifeline" you will write a memoir. This is due by Wednesday, 29 May 2013, and will be worth 5 homework points.
  7. Here are week 6 vocabulary words: severe, determined, prevail, balance, focus, rewarding, confidence, reassurance, obstacle, coincide. There will be a quiz on these words next week, Wednesday, 29 May 2013.

Today is Sunday, 26 May 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 5: Animals Nobody Loves
  1. Grammar: Subject-Verb Agreement Text page 81, and workbook page 5, 52, 53.
  2. Homework: complete worksheet on Subject-Verb Agreement for 1 homework point.
  3. Work on your animal research report: See page 86 in your text book and page 59 in your workbook for research area ideas .
  4. Review pages 84 through 88 in your text for style and organization tips.
  5. Do page 57 in your workbook for practice.
  6. Write a report on your animal. Due Wednesday, May 29th for 5 homework points
  7. Week 7 vocabulary: natural, instinct, environment, personality, consume, predator, appetite, crocodile. rescue, domestic, wild, traits, camouflage, techniques, penetrating
II. 11th Grade: Unit 3: Natural Disasters and Unit 6: I'll Never Forget
  1. Grammar page 100 in text, and page 63, 64 and 65 in workbook.
  2. Homework: complete worksheet on Subject-Verb Agreement for 1 homework point.
  3. In your text on page 101 is the memoir by Ali Salim, A Lesson Learned. Read the memoir and discuss the effectiveness of Ali's style and organization in his writing.
  4. Work on your Life on a timeline activity. Here is an example of my Lifeline, done several years ago.
  5. Based on one of the events on your "Lifeline" you will write a memoir. This is due by Wednesday, 29 May 2013, and will be worth 5 homework points.
  6. Here are week 6 vocabulary words: severe, determined, prevail, balance, focus, rewarding, confidence, reassurance, obstacle, coincide. There will be a quiz on these words next week, Wednesday, 29 May 2013.