Today is Friday, 11 January 2013.

Hello AHSS girls.  I hope you are having a pleasant weekend.  I just wanted to get you the example for the paragraph you should write for Sunday.

I.  Remember to start with something exciting to catch your readers attention and to mention the type of ad or PSA on your survey:
  • Maybe some fact or statistic:  It's a tie!
  • Maybe a question: Is there a Go Green PSA winner?
  • Maybe a short story:  After days of counting, calculating and analyzing the Go Green survey data, the results have arrived.
II. Then you need your topic sentence that will state the results of your survey, or you can state the results that you expected based on your own opinion.
III.  Follow your topic sentence with specific details to support your statement:  
  • number an type of people surveyed
  • voting results
  • reasons for the voting results
IV.  In your conclusion:
  •  you should discuss the results and how they were or were not what you expected, or
  •  if you already did this in your topic sentence then you should discuss how the results matched or did not match your expectations.
Click here for an example I wrote about the Go Green PSA you took in class.  See if you can identify the different parts and the techniques I used.