Today is Sunday, 20 January 2013.

1.  Respond to the Rihanna quote in you ELF.  Make sure your response
     - Has a topic sentence that tells about the subject of your paragraph (the Rihanna quote and your opinion of it)
     - Has a reason statement(because) that tells why you have this opinion
     - Has a conclusion restating your opinion or calling others to action.
     - Has at least two examples that support the topic and your reason
       (use personal examples if you can)
2.  Persuasive writing power point. Learn the parts of a persuasive essay.
3.  Persuasive writing analysis. Identify the parts of a persuasive essay on the need for sleep.
4.  Read the material on healthy eating
5.  Homework: YOU TRY IT. Write a persuasive essay on the need to eat correctly.