Today is Sunday, 27 January 2013.

1.  Finish your paragraph analyzing the persuasiveness of the movie Big Miracle which was based on a true story about saving a family of whales trapped in the rapidly freezing sea near Barrow, Alaska.

2.  Finish your peer editing of your essay on healthy eating.  Color code the different parts of the essay:
  • Statement of issue with your opinion on the issue (healthy eating).
  • Facts to support your opinion about healthy eating.
  • Summary of why you feel the way you do about healthy eating.
3.  Vocabulary Work:
  • 11th grade check workbook p. 38: prefix work and p. 63 text: gerunds and infinitives
  • 10th grade: word families p. 26 in text
4.  Homework:
  • 11th grade p. 39 in workbook
  • 10th grade p. 14 in workbook