Today is Monday, 18 February 2013.

1.  We begin a new unit:
         - 11th Grade Unit 5 LETS DEBATE!
  • cover concepts of agree and adisagree, pro and con, modal auxillary verbs, verb families (verb, nouns adjective forms) question formating for survey, debate format style with arguements for and against issues with multiple paragraph format essays being the desired outcome.
  • new words for unit: kindness, polite, understand, pleasant, spread, bother, respect, law, courtesy, required, argument, ban, choice, position, expected, respect, manners, sponsor, consider, environment, foster, creativity, discipline, plague, reduce, improve, superficial, require, argue, learn, create, decide, official, calories, diabetes, concentrate, responsibility, option
-  10th Grade Unit 6 WE WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
  • cover concepts of  word families (verb, noun, adjective forms), verbs tenses present vs present progressive, making connections through comparison of different texts, multi-paragraph essay organization, interviewing a "hero" and writing their biography (additional work can be done on doing a vidiography), writing a poem on acts of kindness
  • New words for the unit: kindness, polite, understand, pleasant, spread, bother,respect, passion, wildlife, apprenticeship, purpose, harm, plight,  species, endangered, environment, destroy, mammal, habitat, pollution, pollute, discover, educate, enjoy, teach, hero, heroine, float, garbage, creek, dispose, citizen, generous, responsible, compassionate, active, reliable, concern, action