Today is Monday, 4 February 2013.

1.  Finish homework review.
2.  Reading Activity:
  • 11th grade, page 64 and 65 in text and article.  Looking for logical, emotional, and ethical appeals.  Which is more persuasive and why?
  • 10th grade, page 24 and 25 in text and page 13 in workbook.
3.  Homework: study for your vocabulary and grammar quiz on Thursday:
  • 11th grade: 
    • vocabulary: legible,illegible, patient, impatient, responsible, irresponsible, likely, unlikely, obey, disobey, expensive, inexpensive, mature, immature, fiction, nonfiction, pro, con, dizzy, aggression, drowsy, sedintary, nauseated, migraine.  Click here for support.
    • grammar: gerunds and infinitives use in sentences.
  • 10th grade:
    • vocabulary: helpful, enjoyment, enjoyable, warmth, warmer, creation, creative, child, childish, comfort, comfortable, wind, windy, intelligence, intelligently, care, careful, pro, con.  Click here for support.
    • grammar: If then clauses.