Today is Sunday, 12 May 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 5: Animals Nobody Loves 
  1. Review the animals on page 76 of your text.
  2. Read about Cockroaches on page 78 and do page 49 in your workbook.
  3. Practice your Week 3/4 vocabulary: handsome, athletic, audacious, articulate, wear, where, stares, and stairs, disgusting, powerful, dangerous, attack, survive, creature, amazing. Click here to go to to study your words.  There will be a quiz on Thursday, 16 May 2013.
II. 11th Grade: Unit 3: Natural Disasters
  1. In your workbook, practice grammar on pages 27, 28, and 29.
  2. In your workbook,  play with similes on page 34.  Draw your favorite simile and put it up on the back board.
  3. Practice your Week 5 vocabulary:  demolished, debris, flatten, subside, normal, rumble, siren, basement, explode, noisy, fear.  Click here to go to to study your words.  There will be a quiz on Thursday, 16 May 2013.