Today is Thursday, 16 May 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 5: Animals Nobody Loves
  1. Let's be a work detective. Page 80 of your text: changing nouns into adjectives by using the suffixes y and ing.
  2. Practice the y and ing suffix skills on page 50 of your workbook.
  3. Practice your Week 3/4 vocabulary: handsome, athletic, audacious, articulate, wear, where, stares, and stairs, disgusting, powerful, dangerous, attack, survive, creature, amazing. Click here to go to to study your words. There will be a quiz on Monday, 20 May 2013.
  4. Watch the movie We Bought A Zoo and complete the worksheet about the animals.  This work sheet is due Sunday, 19 May 2013.
II. 11th Grade: Unit 3: Natural Disasters
  1. More creative comparisons: look at the pictures on page 50 and 51 and use these images to complete page 35 in your work book. USE SIMILES TO DESCRIBE THE EYEWITNESS REPORT.
  2. Write and illustrate (draw a picture that shows it) a simile and put it up on the back board.  This is due Sunday, 19 May 2013
  3. Practice your Week 5 vocabulary: demolished, debris, flatten, subside, normal, rumble, siren, basement, explode, noisy, fear. Click here to go to to study your words. There will be a quiz on Monday, 20 May 2013.