Today is Tuesday, 28 May 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 5: Animals Nobody Loves
  1. Check Homework: complete worksheet on Subject-Verb Agreement for 1 homework point.
  2. Watch an animal report video by Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter
  3. View a video by Steve Irwin, an animal lover, on snakes and why he likes animals that nobody loves.
  4. Work on your animal research report: Page 91 in text - animal poem.  Present an animal poem to the class on Wednesday when you turn in your animal report.
  5. Write a report on your animal. Due Wednesday, May 29th for 5 homework points
  6. Week 7 vocabulary: natural, instinct, environment, personality, consume, predator, appetite, crocodile. rescue, domestic, wild, traits, camouflage, techniques, penetrating
II. 11th Grade: Unit 3: Natural Disasters and Unit 6: I'll Never Forget

  1. Vocabulary page 99 in text: turning vowels into nouns.  Practice on page 62 in workbook.
  2. Practice more past perfect verb tense on pages 64 and 65 in workbook.
  3. Homework: complete worksheet on Subject-Verb Agreement for 1 homework point.
  4. Work on your Life on a timeline activity. Here is an example of my Lifeline, done several years ago.
  5. Based on one of the events on your "Lifeline" you will write a memoir. This is due by Wednesday, 29 May 2013, and will be worth 5 homework points. Make sure you show us and just tell us about your special memory. 
  6. Here are week 6 vocabulary words: severe, determined, prevail, balance, focus, rewarding, confidence, reassurance, obstacle, coincide. There will be a quiz on these words next week, Wednesday, 29 May 2013.