Today is Wednesday, 22 May 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 5: Animals Nobody Loves
  1. Begin work on your animal report:  See page 86 in your text book and page 59 in your workbook for beginning ideas.
  2. Get the Animal Report worksheet and begin finding information on an animal you do not love.
  3. We will work on how to write a report using your information.  See pages 84 through 88 for style and organization tips.
  4. Do page 57 in your workbook for practice.
  5. Quiz on Week 5 vocabulary: handsome, athletic, articulate, wear, where, stares, and stairs, disgusting, powerful, dangerous, attack, survive, creature, amazing. Click here to go to to study your words.
II. 11th Grade: Unit 3: Natural Disasters and Unit 6: I'll Never Forget
  1. In your text on page 101 is the memoir by Ali Salim, A Lesson Learned. Read the memoir and react to it in your journal by recreating the table on page 102 of your text in your journal with your responses.
  2. Work on your Life on a timeline activity to prepare for your memoir writing Thursday.  Here is an example of my Lifeline, done several years ago.
  3. Here are week 6 vocabulary words: severe, determined, prevail, balance, focus, rewarding, confidence, reassurance, obstacle, coincide. There will be a quiz on these words next week, Wednesday, 29 May 2013.