Today is Sunday, 24 February 2013.

1.  Review the parts of a sentence: see worksheet.
2.  11th Grade:  "Let's Debate" Unit 5
  • Pages 75 to 79 in On Location text:  What is a debatable issue? (question, answer, reason)
  • Quiz this Thursday over vocabulary on page 77 and 78  (law, courtesy, required, argument, ban, choice, position, respect, manners, and discipline).  See to begin studying for quiz on Thursday.
  • Homework: 49 in workbook and study for spelling quiz on Thursday.
3.  10th Grade: "We want to make a difference!" Unit 6
  • Pages 93 to 96 in On Location text:  What is volunteering?  Why do people volunteer?  What is community service?  How does community service help?
  • Quix this Thursday over vocabulary on page 95 and 96 (species, endangered, environment, destroy, mammal, habitat pollution, passion, wildlife, purpose).  See to begin studying for quiz on Thursday.