Today is Thursday, 21 February 2013.

1.  Continue to work on rewriting your mid-term 2 essay correcting your organization, idea development, sentence structure, grammar, and vocabulary use
  • 11th grade: work toward: ORGANIZATION -  Introduction with a thesis, Body with three TRIC paragraphs for the three different areas of proof, Conclusion with a call to action.  VOCABULARY - gerunds (surfing, playing, gaming) and infinitives (to surf, to play, to game) and words using the prefixes that mean not (il, un, dis, non, un, in, ir, im) used in your essay
  • 10th: work toward: ORGANIZATION - Topic sentence Reason Illustrations/examples Conclusion paragraph. VOCABULARY - words using the suffix  that make them nouns or adjectives (ment, ful, ly, al, y, ous, ary)
2.  Work on Word Wall in room