Today is Sunday, 14 April 2013.

10th Grade: Unit 4: Can We Talk
     1.  We will focus on the interview in this unit.
  • Listen to the following interview with Cody: • With your partner answer the questions below for Cody:
               o Why is Cody interesting?
               o What do you think is his favorite hobby? Why?
               o Do you believe that he is a good student? Why?
               o What did you learn about his family?
2.  To explore the vocabulary for this week click here and go to There will be a quiz on the following terms this Thursday, 18 April 2013.
         • advice, opportunity, business, career, athlete, actor, politician, fan, academics, degree, own   
           (verb) own (adjective)
3. Understand the phrases: • claim to fame, be serious about, old-timer, root for

11th Grade: Unit 2 Real-Life Heroes
1.  Discussion on heros
2. Watch these videos and determine who were the heros. Write your thoughts in your journal.
3.  To explore the vocabulary for this week click here and go to