Today is Monday, 15 April 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 4 Can We Talk? Learning Interviewing Skills
  1.   Journaling:  Make a list of 6 famous people you would like to talk to or interview, see page 58 for ideas.  Write two sentences about each that answers the following questions:  What is their claim to fame?  Why do you want to interview them?
  2. Read the interview of Omar Al Marzouqi on page 60 and on page 37 of your workbook take notes about his life from the interview.
  3. Practice our vocabulary words for our quiz on Thurs
  4. day, 18 April 2013.  For homework and more practice click here and go to • advice, opportunity, business, career, athlete, actor, politician, fan, academics, degree, own
    (verb) own (adjective)
    3. Understand the phrases: • claim to fame, be serious about, old-timer, root for - page 59 of your text.
II.  11th Grade: Unit 2 Real Life Heres
  1. Journaling:  Create a web (see below for an example) with a hero (real or ficticious)in the center and 6 traits, behaviors or characteristics of a that hero surounding it.
  2. Read about the true story Aisha on page 24 of your text.  Does she have any of the characteristics of your hero? 
  3. Do the activity on page 13 of your workbook and write the story in 1st person - as if you were Aisha.
  4. Practice our vocabulary words for our quiz on Thursday, 18 April 2013.  For homework and more practice click here and go to
  •           hero, honor, calm, save, emergency, first aid, paramedic, tragic, reassure, rush