Today is Sunday, 28 April 2013.

I.        10th Grade: Unit 4: Can We Talk? or How to ask good questions.
1.       Journaling: Go to page 65 in your text. Create a table in your journal that looks similar to the below:
Claim to fame questions:
Sentence using possessive name of a class member
Sentence using possessive adjective or pronoun that refers to a class member
1.  Who writes poetry?
Amna’s poetry is wonderful
Her poetry is beautiful.
2. Who is a good at more than one sport? (or dances)
Both basketball and football are Maha’s and Mariam’s specialty.
The sports of basketball and football are theirs.
3.  Who draws, paints or takes pictures?
4.  Who can play more than one instrument? (or sing)
5. Who likes to help other people?
6.  Who has a “superstar” personality?

2.  Take the practice test on pages 42 and 43 your workbook.
3.  Practice your Week 3 vocabulary: handsome, athletic, audacious, articulate, wear, where, stares, and stairs. Click here to go to to study your words.

II.  11th Grade: Unit 2:  Real-Life Heroes
1.    Journaling:  Go to page 21 in your workbook, do #1 in the workbook, but write #2, the paragraph, in your journal.  Decide on the order of the action before you begin to write.  Make sure you select the correct adverbial clauses to convey the correct time.
2.    Take the practice test on pages 18 and 19 of your workbook.
3.    Practice your Week 3 vocabulary:  bask, swell, venom, involved, incident, backyard, figure, principle, legacy, navigator. Clickhere to go to to study your words. Also know the phrase: turn out