Today is Thursday, 25 April 2013.

I.  10th Grade: Unit 4: Can We Talk? or The Art of Asking Questions.
  1. Take Quiz 2 which covers this week's vocabulary words and forming possesive nouns, pronouns and adjectives.
  2. Read your ECART novel when you are done with the quiz.  Earn your 10 points for selecting and noting your novel on your ECART worksheet.
  3. Identify your BEST journal entry by placing *** on that journal entry's page.  Turn in your journal for participation (8 points) and writing (5 points) assessment.
  4. Week 3's vocabulary words are:  handsome, athletic, audacious, articulate, wear, where, stares, and stairs. Click here to go to to study your words.

II. 11th Grade: Unit 2: Real-Life Heros
  1. With your partner, do the jumbled sentence activity.
    You will each write your own sentences and turn them in for a grade by the end of class.
  2. Read page 28: A Close Brush with Death with your partner.
  3. Do the table on page 29 in your journal. This will be a journal grade this week.
  4. Identify your BEST journal entry by placing *** on that journal entry's page. Turn in your journal for participation (8 points) and writing (5 points) assessment.
  5. Take Quiz 2 which covers this week's vocabulary words and combining sentences using adverbial time clauses.
  6. 4.  Week 3's vocabulary words are: bask, swell, venom, involved, incident, backyard, figure, principle, legacy, navigator. Click here to go to to study your words.   Also know the phrase: turn out