Today is Tuesday, 30 April 2013.

I.10th Grade: Unit 4: Can We Talk? or How to ask good questions.
  1. Discuss with your partner what you  remember about going to listen to Ali Alsaloom? 
  2. With your partner, role play  the interview with Ali.  One of you be the interviewer and one of you be the interviewee - Ali. 
  3. Now complete the folowing table in your journal:  
    What is Ali’s claim to fame?
    What is his brand's name?
    Why is his guidebook special?
    What "breaks his heart"?
    What does Ali think is a good dress code for a mall in the UAE?
    How does he deal with difficult questions?
    Why did he do this interview?
    Your question for Ali?
  4. With your partner practice saying some key communication phrases that are in your workbook on page 44.
  5. Now, as a class read the interview on page 45 of your workbook.  Who is Earl Boykins?  Write three questions for Earl Boykins on page 45 of your workbook.
  6. With your partner, begin the question answer activity on page 46 of  your workbook, and finish it for homework.
  7. Practice your Week 3 vocabulary: handsome, athletic, audacious, articulate, wear, where, stares, and stairs. Click here to go to to study your words.
  8. Do page 46 in your workbook for homework. 
II. 11th Grade: Unit 2: Real-Life Heroes

  1. With your partner read about the 3 heroic stories during Hurrican Sandy.
  2. In your journal, select one story, and do an imagined interview with the heros of the story.  Write the 5 questions on page 32 of your text and the answers you get from the text.
  3. Create an exciting titile for your interview.
  4. Practice your Week 3 vocabulary:bask, swell, venom, involved, incident, backyard, figure, principle, legacy, navigator. Clickhere to go to to study your words. Also know the phrase: turn out