Today is Tuesday, 16 April 2013.

I.  10th Grade:  Unit 4: Can We Talk?  Asking Questions to find out about a person:
  1. Journaling:  Should interviewers ask a famous person any question they want?  Why or why not? 
  2. Read the interview of Omar Al Marzouqi on page 60 and on page 37 of your workbook take notes about his life from the interview.
  3. Practice our vocabulary words for our quiz on Sunday, 21 April 2013. For homework and more practice click here and go to Words to know: advice, opportunity, business, career, athlete, actor, politician, fan, academics, degree, own(verb) own (adjective)
  4. Understand the phrases: • claim to fame, be serious about, old-timer, root for - page 59 of your text.
II.  11th Grade:  Unit 2 Real Life Heros
  1. Journaling: Create a character web for Aisha, the girl from our story.  Compare her traits, behavior and characteristics to your hero from yesterday's journal.  Write a brief paragraph comparing the two heros.
  2.  Page 25 of text - analysis of hero story.
  3. Analyze the video of a hero.  Why was he a hero?  What personality traits does he have?

Practice our vocabulary words for our quiz on Sunday, 21 April 2013. For homework and more practice click here and go to
  • hero, honor, calm, save, emergency, first aid, paramedic, tragic, reassure, rush