Today is Sunday, 21 April 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 4 - Can We Talk? or How to ask good questions.
  1. Journaling:  Explain Writing Rubric and scoring then answer the question: What makes you happy?  Try to get a WOW score in all 5 areas of the rubric. 
  2. Vocabulary Quiz for week 1 words.
  3. Vocabualry Focus for Week 2: homophones or words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings.  Page 62 in your text and page 38 in your workbook.
  4. Vocabulary words for week 2 - Quiz Thursday, 25 April, 2013:  dreams, pursue, eventually, different, there, their, write, right, knew, new    To practice your words, click here and go to
II.  11th Grade: Unit 2 - Real-Life Heros
  1. Vocabulary Quiz for week 1 words - for 11L only
  2. Journaling:  Explain Writing Rubric and scoring then describe one of your heros in your journal and try to get a WOW score in all five areas of the rubric.
  3. Focus for Week 2: compound words and time adverbs:  dishwasher, lawnmower, haircut, when, while, before, after, motionless, inflate, inject.  To practice your words, click here and go to
  4. Go to pages 26 in your text to cover compound words.  Do page 14 in your workbook.  After you complete questions number 1 & 2, think of two of your own compound words and write a sentence using both.
  5. Finish the plot sequence for Ron Wall's heroic story.