Today is Thursday, 18 April 2013.

I.  10th Grade: Unit 4 Can We Talk? Or How to Ask Good Questions
  1. Journaling:  Watch this video of an interview by Ellen. In your journal write a paragraph telling what famous person Ellen is interviewing, what is that person's claim to fame, your favorite question that was asked, the answer to that question, and finally, conclude with your opinion of the interview.
  2. Put a *** by your BEST journal entry to get a writing grade (5 points), and turn in your journal by the end of the class for a participation grade (up to 2 points per journal entry).
Practice our vocabulary words for our quiz on Sunday, 21 April 2013. For homework and more practice click here and go to
  • Words to know: advice, opportunity, business, career, athlete, actor, politician, fan, academics, degree, own(verb) own (adjective)
  • Extra Credit: fill in the blank with these phrases:  claim to fame, be serious about, old-timer, root for - page 59 of your text.

II.  11th Grade: 
  1. Journaling (11L only):  Watch the Ellen video, and ,in your journal, select one of the heros in the video (there are at least 2), web their characteristics, and finally, write a brief paragraph on  why the person you selected was a hero.  What personality traits did they  have?
  2. Put a *** by your BEST jouranl entry for a writing grade (up to 5 points) and turn in your journal by the end of the class for a participation grade (up to points 2 points per journal entry). 
  3. Read the text  True Story of a local hero.  Underline the events and discuss with your partner the sequence of the events.  Which event was most heroic?
  4. Practice our vocabulary words for our quiz on Sunday, 21 April 2013. For homework and more practice click here and go to
  • Words to know: hero, honor, calm, save, emergency, first aid, paramedic, tragic, reassure, rush (matching)
  • Extra Credit: fill in the blank with these phrases: save a life, stay calm, physical therapy