Today is Wednesday, 17 April 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 4 Can We Talk? or the importance of being able to ask good questions.
  1. Journaling:  Write three questions to ask your partner.  Write your partner's answers to the questions.  Do this in the same style as the Omar Al Marzouqi intervview Q: and A:
  2. While you journal, have your homework out so I can review it.
  3. Introduce ECART for Term 3: The Novel (character, plot, setting, theme-conflict)
  4. Assign ECART partners and go to the library to select your novels.
  5.  For homework and to practice for the vocabulary quiz (Matching) on Sunday, 21 April 2012 click here and go to  Words to know: advice, opportunity, business, career, athlete, actor, politician, fan, academics, degree, own(verb) own (adjective)
  6. Phrases to understand for the quiz (fill in the blank):  claim to fame, be serious about, old-timer, root for - page 59 of your text.
II.  II. 11th Grade: Unit 2 Real Life Heros
  1. Journaling(11L only - 11S will do this activity on Thursday):  Write about one of the heros (Marcos - 14 year old H.S. student, Eduardo - his father, Ellen) from the Ellen video we saw yesterday.  Do a character web and then a brief paragraph about your opinion of one of the hero you selected.
  2. Introduce ECART for Term 3: The Novel (character, plot, setting, theme-conflict)
  3. Assign ECART partners and go to the library to select your novels.
  4. Practice our vocabulary words for our quiz on Sunday, 21 April 2013. For homework and more practice click here and go to
    • hero, honor, calm, save, emergency, first aid, paramedic, tragic, reassure, rush