Today is Wednesday, 24 April 2013.

Journaling: After watching the above video and reading the short article about the incident, write your thought:
10th Grade:  If you were to interview these boys, what 5 questions would you want to ask?
11th Grade:  Should these boys be considered heros?

10th Grade:Unit 4 - Can We Talk or How to ask good questions.
  1. Correct your homework on page 41 in your workbook
  2. Read Saif Khalil's interview on page 64 of your text.
  3. Do page 65 with your partner. Review it with the total class
  4. Do pages 66 and 67 with your partner.  Review it with the total class.
  5. Homework:  study for vocabulary and grammar quiz 2 to be taken on Thursday, 25 April, 2013: words on quiz:  dreams, pursue, eventually, different, there, their, write, right, knew, new To practice your words, click here and go to  The grammar focus on the quiz is writing the possessive form.

II. 11 Grade Unit 2 - Real-Life Heros
  1. Correct your homework on page 17 of your workbook.
  2. With your partner, do the jumbled sentence activity.
    You will each write your own sentences and turn them in for a grade by the end of class.
  3. Read page 28:  A Close Brush with Death with your partner.
  4. Do the table on page 29 in your journal.  This will be a journal grade this week.
  5. Homework:  study for vocabulary and grammar quiz 2 to be taken on Thursday, 25 April, 2013: words: compound words and time adverbs: dishwasher, lawnmower, haircut, when, while, before, after, motionless, inflate, inject. To practice your words, click here and go to  The grammar focus on the quiz is adverbial time clauses.