Today is Tuesday, 23 April 2013.

I. 10th Grade: Unit 4 - Can We Talk or How to ask good questions.
  1. Journaling:  Based on your peer editing and your own self-editing, rewrite the journal entry about what makes you happiest and make it closer to an all WOW score.
  2. We will viewing a powerpoint on how to show possession.
  3. We will be learning the rules to show possession on page 63 of your text and practicing those rules on page 39 of your workbook.
  4. On page 40, you will learn the rules on how to ask possession questions, and you will practice this skill by completing page 40 
  5. Vocabualry Focus for Week 2: homophones or words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings. Page 62 in your text and page 38 in your workbook.
  6. Vocabulary words for week 2 - Quiz Thursday, 25 April, 2013: dreams, pursue, eventually, different, there, their, write, right, knew, new To practice your words, click here and go to SpellingCity.comFor homework do page 39 of your workbook.
  7. Homework:  Page 41 of workbook and worksheet on how to ask possesive questions.
II. 11 Grade Unit 2 - Real-Life Heros
  1. Journaling: Based on your peer editing and your own self-editing, rewrite the journal entry about what makes you happiest and make it closer to an all WOW score.
  2. We will focus on Adverbial Time Clauses: View the rules and guidelines powerpoint on Adverbial Time Clauses.  Click here to download and view this power point pressentation. Finally, go to page 27 of your text and page 15 of your workbook to practice these rules.
  3. For more rules on time adverbs go to page 16 of your workbooks.  Pactice these rules so you understand how different adverbial time clauses should be used.  Do page 16 and the next activity for this practice.
  4. With your partner, do the jumbled sentence activity.
    You will each write your own sentences and turn them in for a grade by the end of class.
  5. Vocabulary:  Focus for Week 2: compound words and time adverbs: dishwasher, lawnmower, haircut, when, while, before, after, motionless, inflate, inject. To practice your words, click here and go to
  6. Do page 17 in your workbook for homework.